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HomeExercisesYoga20 Minutes to Better Sleep: Yoga for Bedtime

20 Minutes to Better Sleep: Yoga for Bedtime

Quality sleep is essential for health and well-being. However, conditions like stress or insomnia can disrupt natural sleep cycles. A relaxing yoga for bedtime can help overcome these challenges and pave the way for deeper, more restorative sleep. Read on to learn how yoga’s calming techniques support the body’s transition to sleep.

You may also want to know: Find Your Optimal Yoga Practice Time

How Yoga Addresses Common Sleep Interferers

Yoga is an antidote to many factors that inhibit sleep:

  • Mental busyness – By redirecting focus to the breath and present sensations, yoga quiets the racing monkey mind.
  • Physical tension – Gentle poses, passive holds, and savasana release accumulated tension from the day.
  • Irregular breathing – Yogic breathing practices regulate respiration and activate the relaxation response.
  • Elevated cortisol – Meditation and deep breathing decrease stress hormones like cortisol.
  • Low melatonin – Relaxing yoga postures boost melatonin levels naturally.
  • Poor posture – Chest openers counter slouching that restricts sleep-friendly breathing.
  • Low body temperature – Twists and backbends augment core temperature for optimal sleep.
  • Restless thoughts – The process of pratyahara, withdrawing senses inward, detaches us from disruptive thoughts.
  • Anxiety – Centering awareness of inner body sensations through yoga calms a turbulent mind.

A late evening yoga sequence specifically designed for sleep gently unwinds the body and mind before bed.

Yoga for Bedtime

Essential Components of Yoga for Bedtime

Simple sequences before bed should focus on:

  • Centering – Begin in a child’s pose or seated meditation to arrive in the present moment.
  • Deep breathing – Lengthen inhales and exhales to elicit the relaxation response.
  • Forward folds – Release upper and lower back tension accumulated from sitting and standing.
  • Chest and hip openers – Counteract hunched posture and free up deeper breathing.
  • Gentle twists – Light wringing motions gently stimulate organs and core heat.
  • Inverted postures – OPTIONAL – Inversions encourage circulation and calm the nervous system when done with care.
  • Final relaxation – Spend 5-10 minutes in savasana integrating all benefits.

Even 10-15 minutes of focused, tranquil movement makes a difference.

What yoga should be avoided before bedtime?

While yoga generally aids sleep, certain types should be avoided in the evening due to their energizing effects:

  • Very vigorous, sweaty practices – The activation and exertion can make it hard to wind down.
  • Backbends – Poses like wheels and bridges are invigorating.
  • Fast-paced flow sequences – The quick movements can be overstimulating.
  • Advanced balancing postures – Concentration required can frustrate the mind.
  • Advanced breathing techniques – Pranayama exercises can be too intense before bed.
  • Meditations requiring concentration – Subtle meditation is preferred.

Stick to chill, passive sequences that relax both body and mind.

Yoga for Bedtime

Lifestyle Tips for Improving Sleep

What you do off the mat also influences sleep quality:

  • Avoid screens and digital stimulation for 1-2 hours pre-bedtime.
  • Dim lights in the evenings to boost natural melatonin.
  • Sip herbal tea, warm milk, or golden milk with turmeric.
  • Practice yoga consistently to lower baseline stress and anxiety levels.
  • Keep the bedroom cool, quiet, and reserved for sleep and intimacy.
  • Establish a consistent pre-bedtime routine to signal rest.
  • Consider supplements like magnesium, zinc, or melatonin if needed.
  • See a sleep specialist for underlying conditions inhibiting sleep.

A holistic approach works best for resolving sleep disturbances long term. A restorative yoga practice at night complements healthy lifestyle habits that encourage deep, uninterrupted sleep.

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